Plant3D Catalogs and Specs – Part 2

Today’s video follows on from yesterday, with making some more parts in Fusion to eventually go into Plant3D Catalogs and Specs.
Tech Nexus – CAD and BIM Solutions
Today’s video follows on from yesterday, with making some more parts in Fusion to eventually go into Plant3D Catalogs and Specs.
Today we start making a custom part for Plant3D Catalogs, using Fusion 360
For one of today’s videos, I did a response to a question on the Autodesk Forums, about using the standard CS150 Spec, and mating it to a nozzle on a tank, in a Metric Project
I was talking to an ex-colleague about other options for MEP inside of Plant3D, and both realised that Fabrication CADmep might be more suited to what he wanted for the project… check it out at the video below!
In theory you *could*, its not the right way to do it, but it might help. Check it out at the video below
Today’s video goes over the hotfixes that come with Plant3D 2020
Check out today’s video on placing 3D Text in Navisworks and Animating it.
Lets run some Iso’s from our project and see what happens!
Today we have a look at updating our Plant3D Ortho Drawings with Revit MEP models as part of the Project.
Today we check what’s going to Clash with what inside Navisworks